neoaeo 2009. 4. 25. 00:13

카메라 등록증
품명 : Petri Color 35
분류 : 필름, 컴팩트, 목측식
스팩 : 
 Manufacturer : Petri Camera Company (Kuribayashi)
 Place of Manufacture : Japan
 Focusing System : Scale focus
                             1 meter / 3' ~ infinity
                             Helical focusing using focusing wheel on camera rear
                             Viewfinder 0.46X magnification; 90% view
                             Projected bright frames 
  Lens : 40mm f/2.8 (4 elements in 3 groups)
            Angle-of-view 56°49'
            "fully coated and color corrected"
            40.5mm filter thread mount 
            42mm push-on lens cap
 Shutter : Petri MS leaf (in-lens) shutter 1/15 - 1/250 + B
 Metering System : Around the lens (ATL) CdS manual metering cell.
                            Match-needle meter visible in viewfinder.EV7-17 (ASA100)
 Apertures : f/2.8~22
 Flash : Hot flash shoe PC external flash connection
 Film type / speeds : Standard 135 (35mm) film ASA 25-800
 Battery type : HC13/PX675 Mercury Oxide 1.3V battery

취득일 : 2008년 11월 8일
취득방법 : 옥션 중고장터 ( 안봉영 : aby1199 )
취득가격 : 70,000원
기타 : 랜즈상태 下

수리일 : 2009년 09월 05일
수리점 : 작은풍경
수리내역 : 기스난 랜즈 교환
수리비용 : 30,000원